Clogging and the Irish Influence on American Appalachian Culture

Saturday Workshop Tent #2 12:30 – 1:15 & Sunday 12:30 – 1:15
Presenter: Five Points Cloggers
The Five Points Cloggers are a non-profit, energetic dance group based in Dayton, OH with dancers of all ages. We specialize in Appalachian Mountain style clogging, also known as buck dancing, to traditional and popular music. The Five Points Cloggers have been performing in the Dayton area for over 30 years at local and regional festivals and events. The group was created to provide an extracurricular activity for young people (ages 8-80) in the Dayton area, to provide entertainment at local festivals and nursing homes and to continue the American traditional dance form created by settlers to America over 200 years ago. For more information about our group – our schedule, joining the group or attending a clogging class, see our Facebook page at
Experience Celtic Fest