Irish Piping Workshop

Saturday Workshop Tent #2 3:30 – 4:15 & Sunday 1:30 – 2:15
This Irish Piping Workshop focuses the Uilleann Bagpipe, also knows as “the Irish bagpipe”. Larry will discuss the uniqueness of the uilleann pipes, its construction, and the elements that give the instrument its distinct musical tone that has become synonymous with traditional Irish music. We will also explore different styles of Irish piping through the solo and accompanied airs, marches, jigs, and reels played on the uillean pipes, fiddle, and Irish whistle.
Presenter: Larry Fortson
Originally from Autin, TX, Larry Fortson plays both the Scottish Great Highland Bagpipe and Irish Uilleann bagpipes. He was a competition Highland piper for many years and has won awards in both US and UK competitions. Larry has been playing the uilleann pipes for several years as well as other types of bagpipes, Irish whistles, and other instruments.
Experience Celtic Fest